Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Chocolate Bread Pudding

We still had some rolls left this past Sunday night. I couldn't inflict them on my friends and family any more, so I decided to make a bread pudding. My kids don't like regular, raisiny bread pudding, so I decided to try a chocolate one.

In a greased 13 x 9 pan, I put a layer of cubed rolls, and about 5 oz. of cubed cream cheese that needed to get used. I put the rest of the roll cubes on the top of this. For good measure, I cut up a leftover powdered sugar donut (I needed to feed helpers, remember) and spread that over the top.

For the liquids, I mixed:

6 eggs
1 can coconut milk
2 c. milk
2 t. vanilla
1/2 c. chocolate sauce

I poured this over the top, and pressed down on the bread cubes so they could soak up the liquid. I could have let this sit covered in the refrigerator overnight. I just let it sit for about 15 minutes. I cooked it for about 35 minutes at 350 degrees.

This did not come out very chocolatey, so you might want to adjust that. We served it with extra chocolate sauce, and I think everyone liked it. (Especially compared to the oatmeal we usually have on Mondays)

On a normal day, this is a nice treat. Yesterday, Dave got up at 4 am to grade papers and do some itunes downloading. At 5:30 on a Monday morning, we were sitting in bed watching the season finale of Mad Men while eating chocolate bread pudding with chocolate sauce. It was positively decadent.

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